Notes : Date 13th, April, 2021; I was preparing for Bhim Jayanti, it was a little late for me, my relatives started demanding from me, when is justice ? But let me tell the whole world, and all my followers, in advance that I am compelled to ask for justice. *Good news to Bahujan's from all over India and Maharashtra, i.e. Happy Indigenous Citizens..., and Happy Bhim Jayanti !..
Power's in my country's will be for the natives only, laws, clauses will apply to me ; Details about :
Power's in my country's will be for the natives only, laws, clauses will apply to me ; because, There was always seriousness on the face of Doctor Bhimrao Ramji Ambedker ( Dr. Babasaheb ), Indian Central Law's Minister, Vishwabhushan, Bharat Ratna Award, and etc. the great Native Indian who drafted the Indian Constitution. But once he had laughed. A detailed study of this also proves that it was / is part of the right to grant independence to the indigenous Citizen's / people's, and that it was, and still is, part of the Indigenous people's war against aggressive terrorists. What was it like ? That Dr. Babasaheb had laughed. But the truth is that if there is a boycott on the happiness of the natives by boycotting the country of the natives in all respects, then there is a terrible crisis in that country. And this incident becomes related to " Pune Pact ". In the Indian Government Act 1935, when the right to jobs and occupations was granted, the right to vote was given to Dr. Babasaheb had brought it.
Dr. Babasaheb meant that the natives of my country should have the right to double voting. If every Indigenous person's understands the importance of double voting, then of course the decision will have to be made to destroy the empire's by shouting, condemning the Euroasian terrorist's empire, and condemning the Saudi Arabian terrorist's empire. The reason is that the terrorist's empire's Dr. Without agreeing to Babasaheb's demand, he went to the Yerwada jail in Pune, Maharashtra, and sat on the main fast of the Euroasian empire terrorist's. Empire's terrorist's Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedker, explained, withdraw your demand.. Not only that, He sent several blood-stained letters to intimidate Dr. Babasaheb, claiming that if you were demanding a double vote for the natives, we would destroy your natives through both empires. Dr. Babasaheb became serious and sad. And I thought, I am fighting this revolution for the natives. But if the problems of the natives remain in crisis, then what is the personal benefit of my struggle revolution ?
Dr. Babasaheb, under pressure from the terrorist's empire, agreed to save the life of the empire's chief. And they agreed to a single suffrage instead of a double suffrage. While this process was going on, you should cancel " Pune Pact 1956 ". Attempts were made to draw such a conclusion and implement it. His concern was that, as I was considering, if the natives got the right to double voting, my natives would get the rights, and the rights, and power would be in their hands forever. As a result, my natives will no longer be slaves to the foreign Euroasian terrorist's empire, and the Saudi Arabian terrorist's empire's. Who have been, and still are, enslaved for years, generations.
This was because in the case of dual suffrage, the arrangement was made, the form, the rules were also made, that there would be such a constituency, where only the aborigines would vote for their own aboriginal candidates. And these candidates will be just natives, citizens of my community, of my own country, of mine. These candidates will not have to go to both terrorist's empires to ask for votes, will not have to make requests, will not have to join hands in front of them, of course will not have to fight for Power's. And when the second ballot is exercised by a majority of Indigenous peoples, it is both the terrorist's empire's, the non-citizens, the manipulative, the brutal-minded, the Euroasian foreign invaders, the Indigenous peoples who invade India, and the E.V.M. Those who steal votes in ( Electronic voters machine's ), who in one way or another deliberately grab the country by force, who deliberately increase the number of foreign terrorists, will request, ask for votes, do not respect indigenous citizens, but may respect voting.
But even then, Dr. Babasaheb insisted on the right to double voting. But the Euroasian terrorist's empire, and the Saudi Arabian terrorist's empire's, deliberately went against the rules of double voting, unlawfully boycotting by interference for no reason's. Not only that, by using political, social, economic, and etc. factors to create a rift between the " aborigines + aborigines ", at the expense of the aborigines themselves ( Indian Poor's, Indian Dalit's, Indian Victimized, Indian Deprived, Indian Backward class, Indian Scheduled, Indian Harijan's, Indian Tribals, Indian Uneducated, Indian Untouchable, To break the morale of the natives' independent national interest, namely the atomic bomb, Corona / covid-19 serious crisis deliberately thrown at the natives. and etc. ) By indigenous versus indigenous, diplomacy has established, and does, domination for all forms of power. Conspiracy theories of divide and rule in elections have been widely adopted. " And so the terrorists, and the land among the natives are as different as the sky, as a result both cannot live in the same country. But the manipulative savages in my country have ruled the country of the natives through all sorts of injustices, and serious exploitation is still going on. Mr. Walter had prophesied that in a country where Native's, and Terrorist's exist, it would never be possible to inculcate democracy in Maharashtra, and India. "
The great Maharashtrian Native Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedker had said that by the time the natives understand the importance of voting for the establishment of power in my country, then my society, that is, only the natives will be the permanent rulers of the whole country. On this occasion, the great Dr. Babasaheb was laughing a little. According to international law, and clauses for the benefit of the aborigines, and if we study all the above, democracy is the only, and only Bahujan, indigenous government for the aborigines ! And from the invading foreign Euroasian terrorist's empire's to non-democracy for the natives ! This kind of original democracy can never happen if injustice is done to the natives, by violating the laws, rights and entitlements for the benefit of the natives. Of course, under " special presidential power's rights, and privileges under national, and international confidentiality laws " ( previous conditions were not conducive to justice by ordering a concrete war. The great aborigine, and the chairman of the Indian Constitution Committee, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedker has drafted the Constitution of India only for " Indigenous + Indigenous " and has made the ' Constitutional ' permanent and legal in Maharashtra and India. Everyone agrees.
Indian Constitution Maker Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's next constitutional policy is :
*1. When my natives know that the Indian Constitution I have drafted is applicable only to the natives, then my natives will happily take an aggressive stance, and carry out a revolution. And the natives will permanently take over the powers of the whole country for the sake of the natives, and will make all the natives of the country happy by defeating all kinds of crises from the terrorists.. *2. Not only that, it was also said that if a native cannot carry forward the Indian revolution I have brought here, then do not pull back. Of course, if one does not come together, the other will carry out my revolution by making a revolution. Of course, but please don't risk my revolution.
*3. Great native Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Exclusive Interview by B.B.C. world ( Reporter of Britain Broadcast Center ) :
Question by reporter : Dr. Ambedkar, do you think democracy will work in India ?
Answer by Dr. Ambedkar : No, it will only be in name, that is, the entourage of democracy.
Question : Do you think elections are important ?
Answer : No, if good people are not created through that process, then elections are not important.
Question : But aren't elections important in terms of change of power ?
Answer : Is the idea of voting for change rooted ? People's ( Native's, Bahujan's ) don't understand that yet. Does your electoral system give peoples the freedom to choose a candidate ? For example, Congress appealed to the bull to vote, now who does that bull represent ? Do people think that ? No educated person, no one thinks this.
Question : When you say democracy in name only, then what do you mean ?
Answer : Parliamentary democracy will not work here, because the social system here is incompatible with it.
Question : Are you saying that this system is based on inequality ?
Answer : Yes, this system is based on inequality. But should someone try for it ?
Question : Do you think this system will collapse ?
Answer : Yes, this system will collapse. I am thinking of my peoples. They are in a hurry. And they are at the lowest level of society. If the foundation of a building collapses, the lower level collapses first.
Question : My people say that you are talking about the untouchables, aren't you ?
Answer : Yes, they trust me, and I trust them. They ask me, should I answer's them !.. ,
*4. Dr. Babasaheb says that if you ( for the British, Euroasian, and Saudi Arabian empire's ) kill people in war, you don't feel sorry for them, but I also feel sorry for the " Terrorist's, the Revolutionary War " I'm doing ( in the case of all three terrorist empires ). Do not happen. Dr. Babasaheb had said that the natives and the Hindus have no relation to each other 100%. Not only that, relationships can never happen. Therefore, " You say that I was born into Hinduism, but it was not in my hands to be born, so I will convert. But I will never die in Hinduism." Dr. Babasaheb's staunch opponents, that is, 100% of the enemies ( terrorists ) have committed, and continue to commit, very serious injustices for generations, and even if they conquered the whole country, the Indian Constitution can never be drafted for their ( terrorists ) benefit. This is also the experience itself. Dr. Babasaheb has strong evidence's,
*5. On the subject of India's leading position, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar had told that terrorists, the whole of Mahar's Maharashtra, and India are yours, not ours. But Dr. Babasaheb said : who are the foreigners ? So terrorists : All of us, we have taken over your entire country, and the Indian Parliament is one of our strongholds, and we are the biggest terrorists in the world. Dr. Babasaheb : You may be the biggest criminal in the world, and in my country's judiciary ! So terrorists : As always, we like to commit crimes, because we belong to terrorists ! So we do not accept your laws. Do whatever you want ! Next Dr. Babasaheb by shouting : Grant us freedom from you, of course go back to my country all terrorist's.. We will run our country ! I, and all my native citizens together, are capable of running our country in all respects, we don't need terrorists at all, terrorists : hey ! Dr. Ambedkar, we do not give any kind of justice easily as usual, so you, and all your followers, will have to struggle a lot again and again as usual, which includes sacrifices as usual. Dr. Babasaheb : But now all I know is that for the sake of " my country's national interest " I will make myself permanently independent of the Indian Constitution for the benefit of myself and my natives as per the International Act, but I will not bow before you, deceive myself and my natives at all ! terrorists : Yes, it will work ! But it won't take you long, Dr. Babasaheb : I know. And so on.
So, Dr. Babasaheb held the Indian Constitution tightly to his chest, ( this whole Indian Constitution is for me, and only for my natives, so I protect the Constitution. ) And a finger on the top ( my, and my natives' unilateral victory under the Indian Constitution is legally inevitable .) By, and unilaterally " claiming in the national interest " that, according to the National, and International Act's of Indigenous Benefits, the Indian Constitution is constitutionally and permanently independent only for the benefit of Indigenous peoples, and that all terrorists are non-citizens of our country. The show is divided into two different parts, one indigenous, and the other anti-terrorist. The intellect of all past and present terrorists is insufficient to recognize me, but it has nothing to do with me, and 100% of my natives, because there is nothing I can do about " not knowing. " What is special is that the path of criminal background is the path of terrorists, my Bahujan's natives in Maharashtra, and India can never have anything to do with saving the terrorists. The two differ as " east-west ", as the judiciary falls into two distinct parts, one justice, and the other injustice. Of course, all terrorists did injustice to the natives in the interests of independent national interests, and as a result, the right to seek justice, and rights are given to the natives by law. I am not saying that, but in the case of past, and present freedoms, and in the case of injustices, many strong proofs of true history are claiming.
*6. Not every country can draft a constitution for the benefit of terrorists, but a staunch patriot, and a scholar with a solid personality, Dr. Babasaheb can never make a constitution for the benefit of terrorists, so only for the benefit of the natives are legally made permanently unilateral,
*7. It was claimed that you ( Mahar's indigenous citizens ) need more social ( Maharashtrian Bahujan's Indigenous Mahar's society ) freedom than the law.
*8. That is why there is no mention in the constitution of why all the terrorists were forced to draft the constitution. Therefore, Dr. Babasaheb did not even add the names of terrorists. Because the new generation of natives are not even reminded of the past, and the exploitation by these terrorists, ( affectionately : not to upset, and to keep happy ),
*9. The Congress party does not understand that the Indian Constitution is for the benefit of the natives only, so the invading Congress, and all the candidates in the party's political elections are likened to bulls ( that is, bulls, not human beings ).
*10. The " Mahad ", and the " Kalaram Temple ", the land of Chavdar Lake in Maharashtra, Nashik, etc., and the "Land / Country" of Kalaram, etc., have been permanently unilaterally separated for the benefit of the natives,
*11. By the time Dr. Babasaheb was taking elementary education in school, at that time he was forced to study outside the classroom ( boycotting sitting ) without studying in " class-land-country ", how can a student create an Indian Constitution for the benefit of aggressive terrorists ? Never done,
*12. By winning the war waged by the Manuwadi's ( Euroasian empire invading terrorists ), the natives were separated from the Manuwadi's, honored, and even made independent. And this is the next part of the country's independence for the benefit of the natives. No doubt about it,
*13. Dr. Babasaheb, keeping his own country safe, as per the provisions of the Indian Constitution, I am only eagerly considering the next fight / part of the freedom struggle of the country of my natives. Dr. Babasaheb had said,
*14. Dr. for the freedom of the natives. The sacrifices of Babasaheb's four children's and the natives were taken by terrorists ( if the country of the natives had not been invaded by terrorists, there would not have been so many serious incidents of various kinds of injustice. ) The Indian Constitution can never be drafted for the benefit of such terrorists.
*15. According to the Indian Constitution, Dr. Babasaheb had studied history and told the natives that only those who knew their own past could make their own history, make slaves ( but are great according to secret laws ) slaves, so that they would revolt !, and " learn , Unite, and fight ", meaning become a permanent ruler only for the natives + natives ; The one-sided Indian constitution, which I have drafted only for the benefit of the aborigines, means that the power of the whole country should be united and permanently taken over by the aborigines, that is, join the freedom movement, and achieve independence. No compromise should be made in the interest of the country.
*16. Under the Indian Constitution, " Equality " applies only to indigenous peoples, never to terrorists, because now, with the help of the Corona ( Covid-19 crisis ) foreign terrorist's empire in India, Muslim countries have attacked Christian countries. The game of life and death deliberately plundered the economy for the purpose of economic gain. Not only that, my Power Solution was also deliberately boycotted by terrorists, so there are natives + natives, and there are terrorists + terrorists. There is as much difference between the two as there is between East and West, so terrorists can never live together in the country of the natives, otherwise the serious crisis of national interest will never stop, injustice will continue to happen again and again.
*17. Moreover, the world-class Dr. Babasaheb's education, and his experience of very serious exploitation in Maharashtra, and India will never allow him to again deliberately deceive / exploit the natives with his own hands in front of all the terrorists. Of course, with one's own hands, one cannot again throw stones at one's own feet ( causing many kinds of troubles ), like,
*18. Is the idea of voting for change rooted ? People ( natives ) have not understood that yet. Does your electoral system give people the freedom to choose a candidate ? It also says that this means that political parties will not run the country. Because, politics is a great deception of all the natives, as a result of which the country is / is being usurped by " politics, or misguided weapons ". It is a well-known fact that politics in India has been successful in all three empires - British, Euroasian, and Saudi Arabia. E.V.M. There are " politics criminal diplomacy " such as " vote fraud, " and " rule the natives by deception, and rule ". And so Dr. Babasaheb says that by deliberately jeopardizing the independence policy of the country, I do not think that elections are important for the rights and abuses of the natives, and for injustice, which is not acceptable at all. Dr. Babasaheb drafted the constitution for the benefit of the natives and enforced it legally. Indigenous people have no freedom of choice to choose terrorist candidates, so they have made question marks on the issue, claiming that the election is not fair. In this case, the terrorists have deliberately kept the natives still asleep for years, generations.
As a result, Mahar's, and all other Bahujan's natives are responsible for awakening in all matters. So Dr. Babasaheb claims that I have given my country, and the country of my natives, to Bahujan's ( the number of natives is more than all the natives are all citizens, i.e. Bahujan's. ) As given to the natives. The right to judge, and part of that right is given to me by law. And so Dr. Babasaheb was zealously, with a finger on the pulse,
By pointing a finger at, the motivations to be one-sided are claimed, And all those terrorists have taken over the country, claiming.
*One-sided are confidential claimed of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar :
teaching the natives of the present and future true history of the Indian Constitution, holding rallies in many places, making speeches, asserting himself. And it was this honor that awakened the natives to freedom, social freedom, freedom of human interest, freedom of expression, freedom of business, freedom of equality, freedom of defense, freedom of justice, freedom of the environment, freedom of education, freedom of economics, freedom of power, freedom of country, and so on. So they are part of independence, just like many other countries in the world are independent,
*19. Not only that, Dr. Since Babasaheb himself was the creator of laws, clauses, and imitations, and in particular the enemy being a foreigner, these serious cases were / are international, he could never have violated these laws under "International, and National Confidentiality Act's", 99% serious Crisis laws were / are important, moreover, 99% serious crisis arose in the face of favorable conditions, there was no other option left but to seek the help of confidentiality laws. The situation in the country was an emergency, and out of hand, forcing the enforcement of confidentiality laws. And so under the Confidentiality Act's, Indian constitutions are legislated only for the benefit of the natives. Dr. Babasaheb had said that if the peoples of this country are good, then democracy will be good according to the Indian Constitution. And if the peoples ( names of any kind of office-bearers, parties, ministers, MPs, MLAs, organizations, etc. ), are not taken, that is, are divided. If there are, then democracy will also be bad.
This means that with the policy of confidentiality law, Dr. Babasaheb has clearly divided the Indian Parliament House into two different parts in front of all the members. And Dr. Babasaheb was convinced by experience that terrorists in my country are never good. On the contrary, my natives are good citizens, and only natives have the right, and the right, under the International Act, and the National Constitution Act, to rule this country in all its forms. Democracy will be better as a result, as long as the aborigines do not get the justice of freedom, they cannot claim that the judiciary at the international level is capable of administering justice, not only in the country but also at the international level.
*20. Dr. As Babasaheb is a doctor, the entire independent life of the natives is protected by law,
*21. Dr. Babasaheb + native's have permanently legal " Reconciliation agreements ". This was, and is, the purpose of educating the natives in the national interest, in accordance with the International & National Act's, for the benefit of the natives.
*22. Parliamentary democracy will not work here, because the social system here is incompatible with it. Of course, Indian parliamentary democracies are independent one-sided for the benefit of the natives as they are aggressive terrorists against the natives.
*23. Automatic Dr. Babasaheb has done 100% service to the national interest by drawing conclusions as per the duties, rights and entitlements of the native Indian citizen.
*24. He went to Saiman Commission, London, Britain and demanded that you liberate the natives of India who were trapped on all sides. From this it is clear that Dr. Babasaheb's mission was to liberate the natives,
*25. If my own country, my own natives remain in the same permanent 100% serious crisis of country, survival, etc., then what is the personal concrete, or real benefit of my struggle revolution ?
The whole life of all the previous natives was in vain, Dr. Babasaheb took 100% of this seriously and adopted a policy of national interest, so realizing the 100% serious situation of the past and present, there is nothing different in India and Maharashtra for the benefit of terrorists. that is true !.. 26. and so on.
For, only Bahujan Native's inspiring saying : All Bahujan !, we can go far enough to make the sea like the water of rivers, we can make the sea, we can change the history by taking justice !.. Date 1st, January, 1818 Bhima koregaon, Dist-Pune, Native Maharashtrian Mahar's in Maharashtra, and in foreign peshwai, and the country's war of independence won by Mahar's soldiers is one of the many strong proofs. And Dr. Babasaheb, too, has won an independent country by fighting and freeing himself from slavery. As a result, we can only get justice by uniting. And so *victory of truth is inevitable, as claimed by " Satyamev Jayate ", { MAHARASHTRIAN PASSPORT'S & VISAS Coming soon by MESU POWER'S } photo of Indian passport is strong proof of this,
Indian passport photo :
And so, Dr. Babasaheb once smiled a little fondly ! This is true history. By studying this matter, discoveries have been made ( I have published this important discovery for the first time in the world ), and that too with my own experience !.. Many empires have been, and still are, so as a result of this history, Indigenous Empires In accordance with " Dr. Babasaheb's Indian Constitution " ( Coming soon ! MESU POWER'S / EMPIRE'S : Considering the natives, a just ruler for the natives only ! ). Regards for..
And so on !
Conclusion : As a result, the Power's in my country's will be for the natives only, the laws, the clauses will be applicable to me.
" Change the world by Mesu Power ! "
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