Date : 15th, October, 2021.
Details about my followers visiting me, and Conference Invitations, and the event I organized :
Confidential Invitation for President's, King's, Quinn's, Chancellor's, and Prince's for the world wide countries only, and I have been compelled to organize an international speech event to meet because, of course, are excluded. And as a result, I am forced to struggle more and more, as always. Of course, both the Euroasian, and the Saudi Arabian empires, which have 100% foreign to 100% foreign all kinds of heinous criminals backgrounds, have carried out the untouchable crisis in the same way that terrorists have exploited the natives very severely. Similarly, the deliberate exploitation of the country ( stealing all kinds of information from the natives, which is also part of the highest war to usurp the country ) is still rampant. The only differences are in the style. highest wars are like the diplomacy of untouchability. And this crisis is only going on to keep the natives in Maharashtra, and India. Of course, with all kinds of criminals backgrounds being given top priority by terrorists, the whole country has been grabbed. And those who are supporting me to get justice, in one way or another, are misleading each other, putting pressure on, including in the terrorist gang. Not only that, but Euroasian, and Saudi Arabian terrorists have deliberately boycotted the trending of Indigenous citizens in India, all of them conspiring to hide in India, and Maharashtra. There is strong evidence of the poverty of all Indigenous citizens in India. That should be noted by all.
Indigenous citizens in India, and in Maharashtra, have been exploiting each other for many years, and all these forms of exploitation are pre-determined, and so on.
As a result, I had to present this event to protect the country under the Indian Constitution. Live online from 16th, October, 2018. And since January 2020 my this website my related traveling true history / Story / New Revolution / or Way has become the 99% most famous in the world. By the way, Some of my followers have bought new smartphones to visit my website, and to gain knowledge, and are doing so. I was already somewhat famous in Maharashtra, and somewhat offline in India. And through this website, the number of my followers has increased more and more and is still increasing, and I started to miss it from the bottom of my heart. Not only that, they are eager to meet me through the videos. This has been going on for 22 months now and I also wanted to meet my followers. So I started working to expose myself on a global level. I plan to give my followers new information about the world. Due to the large number of followers, Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India has chosen the path of International Speech Event, and confidential International Conference with new information + My Visit = Events, and Conference. So this event I have organized, my organizer MAHARASHTRIAN NATIVES ORGANIZATION, and sponsored by MESU POWER SOLUTION have helped me to expose myself to the world. Thank you all for that.
I myself am the President, Founder, Owner Mr. MESU KERU GAIKWAD OF MAHARASHTRIAN NATIVES ORGANIZATION, and MESU POWER SOLUTION. As more attendees, and followers will come for this event, it has been divided into two parts. The first part is 3:00 to 6:00 PM, and the second part of the same event is 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
First time in Maharashtra, and India < INTERNATIONAL SPEECH EVENT > To meet me, + for the first time new information for the world by Researcher Mr. MESU KERU GAIKWAD. Invitation letters, or Cards for all my followers :
Please note that I will publish this post later for the date. ( Date is coming soon ! )
S C H E D U L E :
Time and Location ;
Coming soon Date : ......, ............, .............., 3:00 PM
Mumbai, Wankhede Stadium, Church gate, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA.
1st, Event ;
3:00 PM to 3:30 PM Meeting Me + Singing Program,
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM My speech,
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM interval + dinner program for all followers attendees,
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM After my speech + time to meet me,
2nd Event ;
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Meeting Me + Singing Program,
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM My speech,
7:30 PM to 8:00 PM interval + dinner program for all followers attendees,
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM After my speech + time to meet me,
And so on..
Under International, National, State's Confidential's Law's :
First time in Maharashtra, and India < CONFIDENTIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE > For the justice of India, and Maharashtra.
Coming soon Date : ........., .............., .................,
Time and Location:
3:00 PM to 5: PM ends. And dinner program for all followers attendees,
Inviting followers of all Presidents, King's, Quinn's, Chancellor's, and Prince's of the world wide countries only.
Location : Mumbai, Wankhede Stadium, Church gate, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA.
Letters, or Invitation Cards for all Presidents, King's, Quinn's, Chancellor's, and Prince's of the world wide countries only :
Please note that I will publish this post later for the date. ( Date is coming soon ! )
Conclusion : In this way confidential invitations for president's, King's, Quinn's, Chancellor's, and Prince's of the world wide countries by distributing ' Invitation letters or cards, ' and information about the ' International Confidential Conference ' and ' International Speech Event ' are made followers. And coming soon website
Note 1 : About the corona crisis, my events, and the conference a little further : All my dear followers, Currently due to the corona crisis in Mumbai, Maharashtra, only 50% of attendees followers are allowed, moreover, both doses of corona must be taken. And my event is likely to be attended by a maximum number of followers. So all my followers should note that my events, and the conference will be presented after 100% attendees followers are allowed to participate together.
Note 2 : Currently I have the following statistics from my followers on the percentage of support in the national interest : About indigenous followers In India 80%, followers In Maharashtra 85%, And followers in the world 98% are like that. And it's growing, Of course the resulting eras are mine.
[ " Only for Gin confidential advices : I've sent you a lot of emails, but not all of you have responded to me with a single email yet. " & For singer A. B. : My rules apply to you all, but your rules never apply to me. ' Notarized affidavits ' can be submitted to me at meeting, I will state my decision after understanding your statement in the notarized affidavits. Because, I am power, empowered by the 100% one-sided faith of all of you follower's. ]
Terms and conditions apply ©
And so on !..
" Change the world by Mesu Power ! "
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